Kavita Awaasthi (HINDUSTAN TIMES; August 25, 2021)

In the past year, Soni Razdan has shot for a few web projects and is enjoying this phase of her career. “When I shot last year, there was no Delta variant or a vaccine. I was scared and had planned to gargle post pack-up and every time I took a break as a precaution. Though on the sets, we followed all protocols and regulations with regards to sanitisation. I forgot about all else when I was shooting as I was focused on the job,” she shares.

Razdan shot for a music video in Kashmir and admits that it was an emotional experience for her. “I didn’t expect such feelings even though I have never lived in Kashmir. I am a Kashmiri Pandit, but I haven’t lost my home in Kashmir. I was taken aback when I felt so much. I don’t have a direct link to that kind of loss or pain yet loss is a part of our lives. The fear of displacement is universal,” she says.

With most locations abroad unavailable for shoot, a number of filmmakers are turning to Kashmir for shoots, which pleases her.

She shares, “What has happened in Kashmir in all these years is a tragedy for everyone, not just Kashmiris. It is lovely to see more and more filmmakers opting to shoot in Kashmir. I hope, through the medium of filmmaking, we can bridge some gaps or erase the misconceptions about the Valley. We need to bond more as a country.”

She is quite outspoken on social media and has touched upon many sensitive subjects. Talking about her views on it, she says, “Social media is a double-edged sword. I don’t take it seriously anymore. I do air my views as a social exercise, but somewhere down the line, Twitter has become poisonous. There is no point in getting sucked into all of it, so I am selective now. Moreover, you wonder if anyone’s listening?” she signs off.