The actress, who delivered a baby boy on Sunday, talks about her pregnancy during the pandemic and what she thinks is the silver lining
Roshni Olivera (BOMBAY TIMES; November 3, 2020)

Amrita Rao and hubby RJ Anmol welcomed their baby boy on Sunday morning. “It’s such an amazing feeling,” said the ecstatic new mom when we congratulated her yesterday. Excerpts from a quick chat with Amrita.

How would you describe the feeling of holding your baby in your arms?
I can’t stop staring at my baby’s face and my husband Anmol’s priceless expression of joy. I’m still in a state of wonderment. The phenomenon of giving birth to another human being is unfathomable and divine. There is a God realisation that nothing is in your hands and control. This baby was meant to come this year, so yay… I’m a 2020 mom!

So, you are all geared up for your new role...
That I have to play the role of a mother is yet to sink in because I’m such a mumma’s girl myself. If I begin to compare myself with my mom, then it’s too big shoes to fill in, so I’d rather just enjoy the feeling of having a little wonder in my life to keep me on my toes.

Have Anmol and you decided on a name for your baby?
Not yet. We have shortlisted a few names, but are still in the process of finalising one.

A pregnancy in 2020 given the pandemic situation might not have been easy. How did you manage?
Yes, 2020 is a difficult year. However, if I look at the silver lining, then I think there were many fringe benefits of conceiving in 2020. My baby got only pure home-cooked food, as both the grandmothers pitched in and took turns to stay with us. A nuclear family suddenly became a joint family. The bonding, spending quality time, having family conversations, eating together, praying together and enjoying planning the ‘little things’ together will surely inculcate such sanskars in my baby, too.

Not many people knew you were expecting until a few weeks ago when we spotted you with a bump at a clinic. How did you keep your pregnancy a secret?
(Laughs!) My body showed no signs of pregnancy weight except for the baby bump. I’ve got to thank my genes for that. And guess what? When my ninth month pregnancy pictures came out, a lot of my friends didn’t call to wish me thinking it was just a rumour and that I was sporting a baby bump for a shoot!

Talking about shooting, when do you plan to resume work?
On the work front, the lockdown came as a boon. I didn’t miss out on any work due to pregnancy. In fact, there have been some very interesting offers post August that I’m looking forward to taking up January onwards.