Kakbagodaa is a short film directed by Priyansh Lamba for 1st International Speak Out Short Film Challenge. It’s just 3 minutes long but packs in a lot. Kakbagodaa means scarecrow and the film uses this element nicely. The movie commences on a funny note in a rural settlement but ends in a hard-hitting way, which you might not see coming. Ashish Singh Rawat’s music is decent and could have been better. The performances by Garvitt Attri (the kid) and Mayank Gulati (reporter) are fine, especially the former. Bhavay Rao, Priyansh Lamba, Aradhya Sharma, Shailya Jaggi and Sarthak Sharma’s writing is topnotch while Priyansh Lamba’s direction is passable. All in all, Kakbagodaa is a unique short just like the title and is worth your brief time!

My rating - *** ½ out of 5!