Khandaani Shafakhana could have been the fourth film in the Vicky Donor, Shubh Mangal Saavdhan and Badhaai Ho category. The story had so much potential. Imagine a young girl in a small town running a sex clinic – someone like Juhi Chaturvedi would have taken it to dizzying heights. Sadly, the writer fails to do justice as the script is very poor. Even the dialogues are nothing great. Most parts of the film is supposed to be funny but fails to evoke laughs. Moreover, the direction isn’t great and several scenes are disjointed. On the plus side, the message of the film is nice and the finale manages to raise few laughs. The performances are also decent. Sonakshi Sinha has done better in her previous solo films like Akira and Noor. Here, she’s watchable but not in good form. Her performance in pre-climax and finale are impressive. Varun Sharma is anything but funny. Kulbhushan Kharbanda is endearing. Priyansh Jora (named Lemon Hero in the film) is apt. Annu Kapoor is entertaining as always. Rajesh Sharma tries to do a Saurabh Shukla of Jolly LLB but somehow works. Nadira Babbar, Rajiv Gupta and others are strictly okay. Badshah is confident and even funny, but is letdown by the writing. All in all, Khandaani Shafakhana is a disappointment and waste of a great opportunity!

My rating - ** out of 5!