Phantom Thread is a highly engaging period drama film, based in 50s London and tells the story of a dressmarker who strives for perfection. The film moves at a slow pace but doesn’t bore or let the attention wander even for a second. The character of the dressmaker is very well established and also his romantic association with his muse. Things get better in the second half when some unexpected and slightly shocking developments take place. It seems a bit unconvincing at first but the makers execute it very well. Also, the love story develops too soon. Talking of performances, Daniel Day-Lewis is terrific as expected. This is allegedly his last performance and if that’s the case, then it’s surely a fitting film with which he takes a bow. Vicky Krieps plays a difficult character with ease. Her smile and her body language matches her character traits to the T. Lesley Manville gets to essay a very interesting and well written role and she does total justice. It’s nice to know that she has got a nomination at the Oscars. Jonny Greenwood’s music score is outstanding – the film wouldn’t have been half as awesome if the narrative wasn’t complimented by his music!

My rating - *** ½ out of 5!