Anushka Sharma
Nayandeep Rakshit (DNA; October 22, 2017)

Anushka Sharma is always full of life. She hates being called bubbly but she’s energetic and enthusiastic about everything. This time, when we meet her at an event for an eyewear brand she endorses, we sit down for a quick round of Q&A in rapid- fire style. Here’s Anushka getting candid about all things...

One thing you now know that you didn’t know last year

One thing you’re never tired of hearing
(Thinks) A pack-up at the end of a good work day!

One thing you just can’t live without

One thing you’d give your right arm for
Animals. Always.

One thing you want to change about yourself
There are so many... But maybe, time management.

Your first experience of wearing glasses
I never had glasses, but I always wanted them as a kid. Because I felt they were trendy and cool.

Your favourite glasses
The ones in John Lennon style.

The number of pairs of sunglasses you own
Multiple! I’m endorsing Polaroid, so I get free stuff. (Laughs)

The first time you owned a really expensive pair of sunglasses
Well, by mistake, once I had bought really expensive sunglasses. When I realised what the price was, I had already paid for it. And I totally regretted it. That was many years ago. It was gold plated!

Do you still have it?
Obviously! They’re so expensive. I will always have them. Maybe, one day, I will even melt them and make jewellery out of them! (Laughs loudly)

One pair of glasses you’re sentimental about
I can’t part with old sunglasses. Anyway, the style that I love is very classic and vintage so they never go out of fashion. I can’t part with old wayfarers or aviators.

One thing you would like to change about men
The fact that they wear floral! (Laughs) No, they should all just get proper haircuts.

One thing you would like to change about the film industry
What am I? The changing commission? Well, still maybe if everybody could come on time. I’m usually always on time so you can imagine how frustrating it can be when most people don’t come on time!

One thing you love about the film industry
That it is very fair!

One fear that never leaves you
That I won’t reach my full potential.

One word that often slips out
Most things slip out of my mouth. I keep saying ‘You know’ a lot.

One time in life that you could return to
I was thinking about this recently. That nobody ever tells us when we are just nine-10, the time when the teenage years are starting and you are not an adult but you still are aware of both sides of the spectrum. Of being a kid and then adolescence. That time is literally the best time, because your parents are not fussing over you because you aren’t that young anymore. At the same time, the world is not taking you seriously because you are not that age. So from a consumerism point of view also, it’s the best phase. You aren’t playing with toys anymore, so yes, maybe that time is one I would happily go back to!

As a kid, you were
Extremely enterprising! I used to start libraries, organise events in my colony and I had even opened a beauty parlour once. It was for free because I knew people won’t pay us. And guess what! People actually turned up... all those cheap people wanting things for free! (Laughs)